Leverage Trusted Tech Solutions For Long Lasting Impact

From Asana to Zoom – tech solutions have seemingly never been more important than right now. With the growing need for better communication tools, organizations of all sizes are starting to research how to adapt to an increasingly virtual world. While implementing new tools can seem overwhelming at first, it doesn’t take long to see the many benefits of putting in the work to leverage a proven tech solution.

It’s easy to get stuck in your bubble when trying to solve communication and technical problems for your organization. Ask yourself if your challenge is truly unique to the fraternal industry, or is it a global challenge? It’s likely other nonprofits or even Fortune 500 companies have encountered the same problem, just at a different scale. Why not take advantage of the same tools they use to solve them?

Globally-used tech solutions have evolved their service offerings to be simple to implement and allow for varying service levels based on your organization’s needs. When it comes to keeping their products updated and relevant, tech companies have a lot on the line. This means big benefits for your organization and your members when it comes to important elements such as security.



Aside from making the chapter experience more attractive to potential members, universal tech solutions come with many inherent advantages to your organization. If tech solutions are following your members into the workplace, you have an opportunity to organically engage with your alumni. Universal tech solutions also have to stay on their toes when it comes to security and tech advancements. Here’s a deeper look at each of these benefits:



As your members move into their professional lives, it’s important to stay connected with them so they become engaged alumni members. You already know this is no easy task. Alumni engagement is a constant talking point at industry conferences. Newsletter and email blasts don’t seem to cut it with all of the clutter flooding their inboxes already.

Get your foot in the door with alumni by implementing a universal tech communication tool for your organization. For example, if your organization uses a solution like Slack for collaboration and chapter meetings, there is a chance some of your members will use this tool when they move into the workforce. If they were involved with their chapter channel and now their workplace channel, an alumni channel will seem like a natural fit.



With best-in-class technology comes best-in-class security. It is no secret that keeping data and communications secure is costly. There must be resources in place to constantly maintain systems and keep up with security threats. This is a fundamental advantage of using a universal solution where teams are staffed for security and dedicated to preventative measures. While smaller or in-house solutions may start with security in mind, security maintenance is what keeps data from being vulnerable.



Technology changes quickly. Your chapter platforms and tools need to be nimble and responsive to remain relevant. They should address the challenges you’re facing today without creating headaches in the future. Enterprise solutions have teams devoted to thinking through product evolution. When looking for a solution, think of the organizations that are going to be looking out into the next 10 years of technology advancement. Global organizations have visibility into where the next stage of technology innovation is headed, and have teams dedicated to aligning their products with those future visions.



Enterprise level solutions will without doubt be part of everyday life for alumni once they transition from college to the workforce. If they become familiar with these tools now, they will be comfortable when they have to use them professionally.

By facilitating the use of commonly used tech solutions early on, your organization can have a tangible impact on your member’s transition to professional life. Not to mention, it’s a valuable skill they can add to their resume. Alumni will graduate with a leg up on digital etiquette, benefiting them in the next stage of their professional development.

World-class technology solutions can focus both on keeping current tools secure and on building the next generation of resources that will fuel organizations of all sizes. In our next post, we cover real solutions you could have up and running in the next year and tips for implementing them.

About the author

Katie Carson is the former Marketing Specialist for Billhighway and greekbill. She oversaw the marketing strategies for all things fraternal.