Association Resources

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Our goal is to make your life a little easier. Here, you’ll find awesome resources created just for associations with components (chapters, sections, states, and affiliates).

Membership Mastery: Building a Strong National-Chapter Partnership

Component relations professionals and chapter leaders should be on the same team. So why does it often feel like we’re rowing in opposite directions when it comes to membership goals?

Don’t Face Chapter Challenges Alone: Change, Revenue & Membership Are on the Agenda at CEX 2024

At CEX: Association Component Exchange, you have the chance to collaborate with a community of CRPs who face the same challenges. Join us on May 7 in Chicago and May 10 in DC (or virtual)!

Spark Joy, Not Burnout: Tips to Increase Volunteer Satisfaction

Join us as we dive into the root causes of volunteer burnout. Learn how to identify the signs of burnout before it’s too late. Discover effective strategies to rejuvenate your chapters and create a fulfilling...

Launching Your Association’s Chapter Ambassador Program: Ramp Up Member Engagement

If you asked chapter boards, leaders, members, and staff, to describe your association, chances are you would get a multitude of responses. Each time your stakeholders describe your association with a different voice, it muddies...

Revamping Chapter Structures & Processes: Embracing Change for a Stronger Future

Is it time to change your chapter structure? According to our Chapter Performance & Benchmarking Report, 1/3 of associations have made substantial chapter structure changes, while 1/3 are considering implementing changes.

Revenue Revamp: 5 Game-Changing Fixes Help Chapters Increase Non-Dues Revenue in 2024

As an association exec, you’d love for 2024 to be a year of strong non-dues revenue growth – for you and your chapters. If sponsors, exhibitors, and advertisers believe your chapters can positively impact their...

Billhighway Case Studies

Billhighway Is a “Huge Financial Win” for the American Society for Quality and Its Components

Billhighway helped the American Society for Quality (ASQ) reduce volunteer leadership burden, gain insight into component performance, and simplify and safeguard component banking and financial management.

Billhighway Helps the U.S. Bartenders Guild and Its Chapters Recruit Volunteer Leaders in a Tough Market

Chapters are able to recruit and hold on to volunteer leaders because the job is easier. The Billhighway platform eliminates any artificial and unnecessary barriers for USBG.

How Billhighway Helps LPGA Amateur Golf Association Strengthen Chapter Performance

LPGA volunteer leaders use Billhighway as a one-stop shop to manage everything related to chapter management. From member rosters and membership reporting to banking and finances, chapters do it all with Billhighway.

Association of Old Crows Relies on Billhighway to Manage Chapters Around the Globe

With nearly a third of their chapters outside the U.S., the Association of Old Crows (AOC) wanted to make chapter management easier for volunteer leaders all over the globe.

Three Impexium Clients Explain Why They Love the Billhighway Chapter Performance Solution

Thanks to the powerful combination of Billhighway and Impexium software, members who volunteer to lead local chapters can spend their time building and educating their communities instead of dealing with laborious administrative and financial tasks.

The Society of Women Engineers Strengthens Its Support of Global and Domestic Components with Billhighway

Uncover how SWE transformed its operations and empowered its global network using the revolutionary power of Billhighway.
  • I wish all virtual presenters had your enthusiasm and ability to change pacing throughout their programs—and would use case studies!! Your program was excellent and the best virtual I’ve attended in pursuit of my CAE renewal. I learned a ton, loved your visuals and appreciate how well-organized the presentation was.”

    Mary Byers, CAE, CSP

Guides & Templates

The 2022 Chapter Performance & Benchmarking Report

Chapter Performance & Benchmarking Report

We gathered data for this report on chapter programs to serve as a resource for benchmarking, sharing innovations in chapter management, and starting conversations about the future of chapters.
3 Ways Data Improves Chapter Performance & Your Relationship With Components

3 Ways Data Improves Chapter Performance Guide

How do you prove the ROI of chapters? With the help of chapter member engagement data, you can make the business case for more HQ attention and investment in chapters.
2019 Benchmarking Report Mockup

Chapter Benchmarking Report

Our second edition of the Chapter Benchmarking Report was designed to gather industry data that helps associations benchmark their chapter programs against others.
Chapter Banking Whitepaper Cover

Chapter Banking: A New Approach to Banking & Administration

Discover the advantages of chapter banking in your association and see how this transformative technology can benefit your chapters.

Awesome Resources Created
For Associations With Chapters

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