Driving Member Engagement by Showing #VolunteerLove

Mark your calendars: National Volunteer Week is April 19-25th! It’s the perfect opportunity to start thinking about ways to show your chapter volunteers the appreciation they deserve all year-round. Volunteering is one of the stickiest forms of member engagement, and happy volunteers can keep your association chapters on track for years to come. Given that 20-25% of staff labor in associations come from volunteer members, it’s a worthwhile effort to utilize recognition in creating a supportive environment. Let’s draw from research and our own community for a dynamic discussion on ways to spotlight association volunteers and celebrate volunteering in all aspects!

Since you were unable to join us for the webinar, here’s a link to the session recording and the slide deck to share with your colleagues. Here are some additional resources that we promised to provide as well:


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About the author

Got Chapters? Billhighway gives component-based organizations the tools to automate and simplify operations while creating data visibility across your entire organization. This empowers you and your chapters to focus more on member value and grow your organization.