
Chapter Dues
Video_Are Your Association Chapters Reaching Their Highest Potential

Are Your Association Chapters Reaching Their Highest Potential?

What if Billhighway could solve the ‘what ifs’ at your association? Billhighway can help your association reach its highest potential.
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Beginners Guide to Collecting Membership Data

Beginners Guide to Collecting Membership Data

What and how much data is important? What data should our association be collecting? Follow our beginners guide to collecting membership data for associations.
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How NAHB Is Solving Payment & Data Issues for Their 700+ Components

How NAHB Is Solving Payment & Data Issues for 700+ Components

We'll share the challenges for NAHB and its members, how they're solving member issues, found a solution and tips to implementing technology to components.
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Help Chapters Defend Their Data and Dollars Against Phishing Attacks

Help Chapters Defend Their Data & Dollars Against Phishing

Does your association need to defend against phishing attacks? Protect your chapters against attacks/breaches to defend their data and dollars.
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Part 1: How to Decrease the Time Spent on Chapter Dues Processing

How to Decrease the Time Spent on Chapter Dues Processing

Is chapter dues processing a frustration for everyone involved? We'll talk data and payment reconciliation, data formatting and reporting.
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What Does the Process of Chapter Restructuring Look Like?

What Does the Process of Chapter Restructuring Look Like?

What does the process of chapter restructuring look like? See how the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) revamped their chapter model.
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Full of hearts in the shopping cart on wooden floor

Is Auto-Renewal Membership a Good Option For You?

Would auto-renewals work for association membership? More associations now offer auto-renewal monthly membership because the demand is there.
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How do you monitor your chapters' finances?

The Chapter Playbook: Part 1 –Finances, Dues & Governance

In part 1 of the mini-series, we’ll be covering what information you should consider including in your Chapter Playbook in regards to finances, dues and governance. We’ll also share key questions to ask yourself to ensure you’re providing the most valuable, through information and guidance to your chapters.
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10 Warning Signs of a Chapter Network in Trouble

10 Warning Signs of a Chapter Network in Trouble

We’ve identified 10 warning signs to let you know when action is required—Complete remodel? Chapter restructure? Or tweaks to the existing model?
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Capitalize on the buzz around crowdfunding

Small Steps to Get Your Chapter Dues Process Under Control

In this webinar, we’ll discuss the challenges presented by chapters collecting and processing dues, pains that are a result of chapter dues, and the end goals and solutions to relieve dues pain. If you collect your dues or other payments at the local/chapter level, then this webinar is for you!
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