

CEX Highlight Video

Want to relive CEX 2019? Here’s a little bite-sized video to get you enthused.
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Yes! Chapters CAN Drive Growth!!! Learn How...

Leverage Chapters to Engage & Grow Membership

Whether you believe it or not – chapters can play a key role in membership and revenue growth for your association. How can you support them?
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March Madness: Ask a Chapter Expert

March Madness: Ask a Chapter Expert

In this webinar, attendees benefited from asking the hard-hitting questions and learning some new perspectives on some tough chapter challenges.
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Give New Members the Personal Touch during Chapter Onboarding

Give New Members the Personal Touch during Chapter Onboarding

The first few months of a membership are the most crucial to retention. Make your new member onboarding a priority!
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How to Improve the Chapter/National Relationship Mindset

How to Improve the Chapter & National Relationship

In many associations, the chapter/National relationship had degenerated into an “us vs. them” pattern. Let’s focus on how you can shift the chapter mindset.
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5 Skills You Need to Go from CRP to CEO

5 Skills You Need to Go from CRP to CEO

Component relations professionals (CRPs) love their jobs. But, you’re an ambitious bunch, and many of you have C-suite aspirations.
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CEOs Share the Advantages & Disadvantages of Chapters

CEOs Share the Advantages & Disadvantages of Chapters

Of the CEOs who were interviewed for this report, these were the insights to the advantages and disadvantages of chapters.
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CEX: Member Journey Mapping Part 1

Journey Mapping: Improve the Membership Experience

The goal of member journey mapping is to understand the chapter and National membership experience from the member’s viewpoint, so you can discover ways to improve their experience and increase their engagement.
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New Year, New Ideas: Start a New Conversation About Chapters

New Year, New Ideas: Start a New Conversation About Chapters

Attendees benefit from learning ways to harness innovation from their chapters, address the volunteer issue, and speak the language of their C-suite.
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How to Get Association Members Volunteering

How to Keep Chapter Members Engaged

We’ve identified three valid and understandable reasons why chapter members don’t participate plus several solutions for overcoming those obstacles.
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