

Billhighway has built a library full of articles, webinars, templates, and more created exclusively for associations with components (chapters, sections, states, and affiliates).

CRP Idea Swap: Helping Chapters Embrace Change

Helping Chapters Embrace Change

We need chapter leaders to make changes. This idea swap explores how we can use our current and future training opportunities to help chapters embrace change.
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The Webinar You Need to Get Your Leaders Onboard with New Tech

The Webinar You Need To Get Your Leaders On Board With New Tech

Join the Beth Z webinar to gain a few new tech tools and more clarity on approaching technology adoption with your chapters.
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How to Increase Member Engagement Within a Multi-Chapter Organization

How to Increase Member Engagement Within a Multi-Chapter Organization

Have you noticed an increase or decrease in chapter member engagement within your association over the last two years? We're here to break down the data and unpack the current state of chapter performance.
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Idea Swap: Ways to Celebrate & Appreciate Our Volunteers

Idea Swap: Ways to Celebrate & Appreciate Volunteers

To celebrate #NVW, we've compiled our favorite ways to reward, recognize and support our chapter volunteers. Watch our Idea Swap!
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Sending CRPs Some Love: Our Best Chapter Resources

Sending CRPs Some Love: Our Best Chapter Resources

CRPs help their association and chapters solve the challenges everyday. But where do CRPs turn for help? Let's show them some love!
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Top 10 Takeaways for Chapter Based Associations

Top 10 Takeaways for Chapter Based Associations

Billhighway performance technology helps you to simplify the management of your chapter based organization. Easily manage events, finances, data, and more!
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4 Best Practices for Implementing New Technology

The 4 Best Practice Tips for Implementing Technology in your Organization

The 4 best practice technology tips for implementing solutions in your multi-chapter organization can help you address inefficiencies with impactful and long-lasting optimizations.
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The 2022 Chapter Performance & Benchmarking Report

Chapter Performance & Benchmarking Report

We gathered data for this report on chapter programs to serve as a resource for benchmarking, sharing innovations in chapter management, and starting conversations about the future of chapters.
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3 Ways to use Technology to Invest in Volunteer Growth

Chapter Performance & Benchmarking Unwrapped Workshops

Enjoy the slide decks, recordings, chat logs, and resources from Day 2 of our Chapter Performance & Benchmarking Unwrapped workshop.
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Association Management Software Integrations

Association Management Software Integrations

Billhighway was designed to integrate with your Association Management Software (AMS) to combine many chapter management activities into one platform.
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