Creating a Stellar Chapter Development Plan

In this webinar, we’ll walk through an example of a chapter development plan created by a fellow CRP. You will leave with a template to create your very own chapter development plan. View Slides >>

Why do you need a chapter development plan? How can having one help your association and it’s chapters? These are the 8 areas to focus on when developing your own chapter development plan:

  1. Set Your Intent: What do you want to get out of this? What are your current goals? What is leadership asking for from you?
  2.  Executive Summary: Create a concise statement about the overall health of your chapters.
  3. Chapter Development Goals: List 3-5 goals you’d like to accomplish in the next year. Create actionable sub-tasks and determine who this will be assigned to.
  4. General Support: What general support do you provide to your chapters? List out all tasks/services and tool that National provides.
  5. Issues of Concern: What drives you nuts about your chapters? What should they be doing, but aren’t?
  6. Do Your Research: Conduct some research, get some stats. Find 3 to begin the process.
  7. Analysis of Chapters: List out all of your chapters. Provide at least one strength, weakness and opportunity/recommendation per chapter.
  8. Review Goals: Now that you have a good idea on your chapters’ strengths and weaknesses, use that to revise and update your goals.


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About the author

Got Chapters? Billhighway gives component-based organizations the tools to automate and simplify operations while creating data visibility across your entire organization. This empowers you and your chapters to focus more on member value and grow your organization.