
Dashboards & Reporting
What Does the Process of Chapter Restructuring Look Like?

What Does the Process of Chapter Restructuring Look Like?

What does the process of chapter restructuring look like? See how the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) revamped their chapter model.
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10 Warning Signs of a Chapter Network in Trouble

10 Warning Signs of a Chapter Network in Trouble

We’ve identified 10 warning signs to let you know when action is required—Complete remodel? Chapter restructure? Or tweaks to the existing model?
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Joint Membership: Why It’s the Special Sauce of the Association/Chapter Experience

Why Joint Membership is the Special Sauce for Associations

By offering a joint membership, you now have an opportunity to promote the value of national membership to these prospects.
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How Chapter Financial Data Reduces the Volunteer Leadership Burden—and Financial Risk

Show Some TLC to Your Chapter KPIs

In this webinar, we’ll dive deep into leading and lagging KPIs and their importance in developing effective dashboards to monitor chapter performance. What are you measuring? What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)? How can dashboards help track KPIs?
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How to Create a Data-Sharing Partnership with Chapters: Part 1

How to Create a Data-Sharing Partnership with Chapters

Are you looking to create a better process for sharing data with chapters? Chapters don’t like their national association looking over their shoulder.
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7 Ways to Make Chapter KPIs Successful

7 Ways to Make Chapter KPIs Successful

We'll lead you through developing KPIs and dashboards, analyze your current gathering process, and teach you how to share and leverage your data.
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New Ideas for Online Learning Programs When You Don’t Have the Resources to Design a Course

Top 8 Chapter Resources You Need

In this webinar, we’ll provide you with key takeaways and chapter resources that YOUR CRP PEERS indicated (in a survey) that they need, but can’t find.
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You’ve Got Their Data. Now What? 3 Transformative Steps in a Chapter Benchmarking Project

Data Utilization: How To Share & Leverage Your Data

How is your organization utilizing data? How are you sharing that data? In Part 3, we’ll discuss how to share the data you’ve already collected, how to leverage it to make data-driven decisions and provide examples of what other organizations are doing with their data.
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Everything You Need To Know About Chapter Dashboards

Why chapter dashboard? What are the strategic objectives at National? What are your chapters? In Part 1, we’ll discuss the process for identifying key metrics. What should your chapters be focusing on? What are the top metrics to track? We’ll also dive into internal communication and buy-in for dashboards.
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The Mystical World of Chapter ROI

The Mystical World of Chapter ROI

We explored the challenges that get in the way of tracking and driving chapter ROI and how the right data can be your best friend.
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